Friday, December 24, 2010

11 Ways to Make Website SEO Friendly

In the present Internet era where billions of website are being surfed every day it is not enough merely to own a website or creating a website with good look but it is also very important to make it reachable to the targeted visitors and provide them with all the essential elements to convert them into potential customers.
Here get some simple steps to make your site a Search Engine Optimization friendly site:
1. Make it Simple
Try to make your site as simple as you can. Make use of white spaces on your site so that it visually also pleases visitors. Use appropriate font color with contrasting backgrounds. Less is more. It will help to make important elements more eye catching.
2. Avoid JavaScript
Try to avoid excessive use of JavaScript or any other scripting language on your web page. Search Engine robots as per their algorithm do not read JavaScript codes and use of these codes increases the load time of websites which annoys the user. As a result of which you may lose your potential customer.
3. Avoid use of Frames and Flash
Try to avoid excessive use of frames and flash as they increase load time of the websites.
4. Organize site
Organize sites in a manner so that every page is easily navigated from all the pages of the site. Navigation to the pages should be simple and clear. The Anchor text should be relevant to the link contained underneath.
5. Avoid Excessive use of Images
Avoid use of unnecessary images on the website as they increase the load time of the website and make the website bulky. Do not overuse graphics on the web page.
6. Minimize Site loading time
Site should be quick to load so that it can easily and quickly reach your potential visitors. Minimize the loading time on your site as much as you can.
7. Check Availability of Server
The web server on which your website is hosted should be 24 X 7 up as search engine robots can visit your website anytime. And unavailability of your site on being visited can lose you your potential visitor and thus you may lose your business.
8. Keep Navigation at the left
Create a Navigation tap and place the navigation links on that section. Keep the navigation links to the vital pages of your website on the left of the web page as search engine robots generally start reading your website from the top left corner of the website and also it is very much convenient for the web users also.
9. Relevant content
Don't forget that visitors are coming to your website to take some information. And for providing the required information to the visitors, search engines crawls your website. The ultimate main purpose is to provide information to the visitors. So keep your website more informative and post content on the website that is relevant to the site.
10. Manage Site map
Manage a site map containing the links of all the pages of the website on a single page so that a visitor can easily get to the page he wants to with the help of site map.
11. Avoid Scrolling
Horizontal Scrolling!!!! Users use to hate horizontal scrolling on a web page. It must go now. Vertical Scrolling is OK if it is very much necessary to keep it. But try to make your content or the information on your web page very concise and snappy. Users should have good feel when they come to your site.
These are just general aspects that one should consider while designing a website or optimizing a website.
Search Engine Optimizing Companies that provides various web promotion services bring in concern many technical aspects of making a website SEO friendly as they are somewhat aware of what search engines are looking for in a website.

Monday, December 6, 2010

12 Most Common SEO Mistakes

Have you ever embarked on some SEO work and got that sinking feeling that you might be doing something wrong? You're not alone. Our expert Mark Nunney gives us the dirty dozen top mistakes he sees being made in SEO, as well as tips on how to negotiate the pitfalls.

1. Missing the big picture

Most SEO advice is given for a single page, word or technique. But if a site is to be responsible for a profitable small business then in most situations it will need hundreds of pages targeting hundreds of thousands of keywords using a wide range of techniques.
All of these pages, keywords and techniques need to work together so you need a plan to coordinate that, including:
Keyword research looking for potential keywords with Wordtracker Keywords Toolß and existing traffic with Wordtacker Strategizer)
Strategy (your prioritized groups of target keywords)
Site structure (matching your target keywords) and navigation to distribute link power around your site
On page SEO
Link building with Wordtracker's new Link Builder tool and online PR.
To work at any scale beyond a micro-niche business, you must change your perspective from single (or exact match) keywords to keyword niches - groups of keywords sharing the same seed ...
... so right now I'm helping a site selling slippers and I might focus a lot of SEO and link building on the single keyword slippers but I'm really interested in tens of thousands of keywords containing slippers, including leather slippers, men's slippers, ladies slippers, etc.
I designed Wordtracker Strategizer to work with this shift in perspective from single keywords to keyword niches.

2. Not having a keyword or SEO strategy

What are you trying to achieve? Most importantly your SEO strategy should serve the company, marketing and brand strategies. A keyword strategy is a prioritized list of the company's target markets' niches, as defined by the keywords used in those niches - the words and phrases used in search engines.

3. Putting too much trust in an SEO company

You need to get whoever you have approached to prove what they've done, even when you have a personal reference for that company. You should take a step back and ask yourself, "what is being delivered?" Make sure you are getting your money's worth.
Often they (businesses) will see a company with a nice website and they may be inclined to trust them because of that. Here are a few simple questions to ask any agency you might be talking to:
Do you always give complete ownership of site analytics accounts to your clients? If not, why not? (The answer is they want to 'lock you in'.)
How do you build links other than paid, directories, press releases, article sites and using your own websites?
Can you list all the link building techniques you have planned for me, give the weighting you'll give to each and why?
Give examples of how your strategy and tactics might change with circumstances.
If their given link building techniques include the likes of comment spamming and buying links ask: I understand they can work now, but what happens when Google stops them working?
(Following up on the question above) Remember the Florida update? If the person you're speaking to doesn't remember 'Florida', ask to speak to an SEO who does.

4. Having a company structure or systems that are unable to accommodate change

Change is always difficult. But combine it with something completely new and you've got a problem. The new thing is SEO and online marketing - neither is particularly well understood or even trusted, and in some cases companies have never heard of it.
Change is never going to happen unless those with authority and responsibility absolutely insist it does. This slows down many large companies and allows the small, who do embrace SEO, to do well. Here's a nice example - do a search for hotels in London, Paris or New York. You would think you would see all the big names at the top, but you'll see plenty of companies you've never heard of.

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5. Not coordinating SEO with your editorial, sales and marketing departments

New content without SEO to maximize the number of target visitors seeing that content is a waste.
SEO without marketing to convert those visitors is a waste.
Your content, SEO and marketing should work together as part of a process.

6. Not monitoring response or acting on results

You have to monitor response eg, the numbers buying your product or signing up to your newsletter.
You may find that the market niche you hoped would work ends up being lame. If so, move on.
Monitor traffic, rankings and response for relevant searches. If you are getting good or bad results you need to act appropriately. That might be moving on to the next target niche, or investing more resources into the same ones.

7. Poor content management systems

It's a cliche to say you need the right tools to do the job. One of SEO and online marketing's tools is a content management system (CMS) that gives you complete control over most of the content, on most of the pages, including site navigation, menus and all marketing. Not having that is like entering a car race on a scooter.

8. Letting developers control website content

Partly as a result of companies having no existing knowledge and systems to accommodate online marketing and SEO, those who build the website have by default often become in charge of its content.
But letting developers take control of online content is like letting the mechanic drive the racing car. Or buying a car from a Ford garage and letting the mechanics decide where you can drive.
Take control of your website.
The developer's job is to deliver the functions you want and keep the site working. What goes on the site and where and when is the responsibility of editorial and marketing, including SEO.

9. Not doing SEO now

Here's a simple point; every day you wait to start SEO means it will be more expensive to get the same results when you do start. If you can get to the top of Google for a collection of keywords this will give you momentum and help you stay at the top, and it becomes cheaper.
Serious search engine success allows for serious business success - put these things together and you've basically got a gold rush. If you don't do the work now it's going to cost you a fortune to do it in the future. There is a simple reason for this and it's inbound links.

10. Neglecting the importance of site structure and navigation

Most reasonable sites for reasonably sized businesses are going to need hundreds (sometimes thousands) of pages.
If you have hundreds of pages you need an optimized site structure and an accompanying site navigation. Even on a small site it's possible to get this wrong and waste all your work.
You might have wonderfully optimized pages and links but if you don't have your navigation right, or your structure isn't right then your success will be limited.
What should you do? It's hard to give a quick answer, but you should organize your site content into categories of related content. Let's say you had a site selling chocolate - you would have all your Belgian truffles in one place and chocolate cake recipes somewhere else, almost working as different sites with their own home page (category home pages.)
On larger sites, related categories can be grouped together into channels.
Make sure your home page links directly to your site's most important category pages. See Are your Superman Pages trapped in a basement full of kryptonite?

11. Neglecting your home page

Your home page is by far your most powerful page because most of your site's inbound links will come to there. Use that power with copy to both target your toughest keyword niches and help other niches with links to their category home pages.
You can test what works, trying keywords of varying degrees of difficulty and ambition.

12. Over-relying on your home page

This is just as problematic. There are only so many different keywords you can effectively target with one page. When success is achieved for a keyword niche with your home page - move that success to other pages using internal and external links.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to Get First Page Google Ranking

Go to first page of search results on Google is the goal of many webmasters. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, many are still doing bad things to improve their ranking.
It is not possible to obtain in the first 10 rankings on Google using a single strategy. To get a good ranking on Google you must work on all elements of your site.
Here are the five strongest factors known to affect the position of your site in Google search results:
Factor 1: Web Accessibility
It is useless to optimize your web pages so search engines can not access them. Your robots.txt file should allow search engines to visit your web pages. If your robots.txt file contains errors, so search engines will not index your website.
The HTML code of your web pages must be free of errors and your web server should return the correct response code. The content of your web pages should be readable by search engines.
Before you start optimizing your web pages, make sure search engines can read the contents of your web page.
Factor 2: site architecture
Google wants to show relevant Web sites in search results. Your site should not be a collection of copies of web pages that already exists. If you want to obtain first page rankings on Google, the pages of your website should be linked.
Your web pages must show Google that your site is relevant for a certain topic. All pages of your website must be linked. If possible, users must reach a page from your website with a maximum of three clicks.
The links and directory structure of your website should enable search engines to categorize the content of your website.
Factor 3: Keyword
Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important steps. If you choose the wrong keywords, you will not succeed in your online marketing campaign.
Optimize the pages of your website different keyphrases. The more you optimize your site pages, the better.
Start with highly targeted keyword phrases that consist of many words, eg “Google first page positioning. When you have the best rankings of these key phrases targeted proceed with more general words such as “Google positioning.
When you have the best rankings for these key phrases, you can proceed with very general keywords such as “positioning”.
In general, targeted keywords have a conversion rate much higher than generic keywords, meaning you get more sales per visitor with “Google first page position” with “positioning”.
Also consider the type of visitors you attract with a keyword. These people are interested in information or want to buy?
Our company can advise you on the words that sell. We can provide the best keywords you should target in priority for your business.
Factor 4: content
Your site will be very difficult to get a better ranking on Google if it only offers articles and affiliate links can be found on dozens of other sites.
Differentiate your website from others by creating unique content and trustworthy. Write your own articles on the topic related to your website. Your site must be useful to users.
Factor 5: links from other sites
It is not possible to obtain high rankings on Google without having links from other sites. The more links pointing to your website, the more likely it is that your site has good positions in search results on Google. The links to your website should be on web sites trust and your business.
If a page Web site for your business is a link to your website then the effect of link ranking in search engines is higher than the effect of a link is unrelated to your sector.
He must also know that if you have links on social networks and that if many users add your website to social bookmark sites, then your site could merit a higher ranking.
A small error in one of these elements can destroy all your online marketing strategy. For this reason, it is important to know what you’re doing and not doing anything with your SEO.
SEO is a profession, or even an art that you can learn with time, but especially not improvise. This can be beneficial for your SEO can also be harmful if not used in the right proportions. Our company can advise you and guide you through the different stages of your SEO and optimizing your website.

Friday, September 17, 2010

SEO for Blogs

While there are many reasons to blog, there are two primary uses that are becoming more widespread with blogging: To game Google Adsense, and to also game the search engines for better rankings.

Since Blogs are known to the search engines as daily snippets of information that are updated on a frequent basis, they get a lot of preference in the search results.

So from this, how do you optimize your blog?

Depending on the service you utilize, there are still some basics that you can apply. The two biggest blogging sites are WordPress and Blogger. If you are looking for an advantage with SEO, you should use Blogger since they are owned by Google, and you'll be indexed quicker.

Blogs aren't all that much different than a site. The power of a blog is from the frequency of the posting. If the search engines see a pattern of 3 postings per day, they will be very active on spidering that site. Depending on the topic of the blog, you may be able to boost your blog in the rankings if it's related to a hot topic on the Internet.

Now, to the actual optimization.

Since blogs are typically a few pages long, you only need to establish a few rules that will be applied sitewide:
  • Use an interesting title - Also known as linkbaiting - your title should captivate the user to read more
  • Try to use your blog keywords in the title - while it may be hard to always do this, by keeping the title related to the topic, your blog will always be relevant
  • Use the H1 tags - All blog editors allow for custom templates, so be sure to stylize your blog title in the H1 tags
  • Link to other blogs - Find other related blogs that your readers might find interesting, and ask for a link in return
  • Don't forget about your archives - You may post a topic that isn't hot at the moment, but comes up later - make sure your readers can find that posting
As stated above, the key to a successful blog is frequent postings. You don't need to write up an article everytime, two paragraphs and maybe some resource links is what a typical posting should be comprised of.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What SEO Is

Search Engine Optimization refers to the collection of techniques and practices that allow a site to get more traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft). SEO can be divided into two main areas: off-page SEO (work that takes place separate from the website) and on-page SEO (website changes to make your website rank better). This tutorial will cover both areas in detail! Remember, a website is not fully optimized for search engines unless it employs both on and off-page SEO.

What SEO Is Not

SEO is not purchasing the number #1 sponsored link through Google Adwords and proclaiming that you have a #1 ranking on Google. Purchasing paid placements on search engines is a type of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and is not covered in this tutorial.
SEO is not ranking #1 for your company's name. If you're reading this tutorial, you probably already know that ranking for popular terms is darn near impossible, but specific terms, such as a company name, is a freebie. The search engines usually are smart enough to award you that rank by default (unless you are being penalized).

Who Uses SEO

If a website is currently ranked #10 on Google for the search phrase, "how to make egg rolls," but wants to rise to #1, this websites needs to consider SEO. Because search engines have become more and more popular on the web, nearly anyone trying to get seen on the web can benefit from a little SEO loving.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I know the price of freedom; it is not an extravagant claim. I did not fight the British to make India free. It had all been done four decades back by men of extraordinary fortitude who resented and fought an alien rule with their lives by the time I was born. Both my grandparents are freedom fighters and they told me that the price of freedom was your life as they gave us an old crumbling ruin with what would once have been an imposing edifice. India was free but the two centuries of plundering had left her a badly bruised and deeply scarred and burned nation. It was as though they had rescued her from a raging inferno. But unlike the famous quote on Italy that goes ‘Now that we have created Italy all we need to do is to create Italians’ Nehru did not have to create Indians. India and Indians had been there for thirty five centuries; we just had to reassert our identity. But forty years after resurrecting India, I realised the price of freedom by nearly losing it.

My India is an ever ever land. It is a palimpsest of incredible thoughts and impossible dreams of men over the centuries. It is a land of belonging than of blood. It is a wonderland where the past lives in the present. The hubristic claim of Mahabharata is befitting for my India (as Mahabharata itself means ‘Great India’) - ‘Whatever is here is nowhere else, whatever is not here is nowhere’. The best of the east and the west have gone through an active Indian mind at some time or the other. Indianness is an idea that is fully and fantastically dreamed. You cannot take anything for granted in our country. The singular thing about India as Tharoor remarked is that it can only be spoken of in the plural. Every one is a minority here; all of us have multiple identities. I am an Indian, a Malayali and a Roman Catholic at the same time, but my identities flow in one continuum well anchored in my Indianness. Despite this incredible diversity, we chose to be a democratic nation. To the west this may seem mind boggling. Here, language changes with every 400 miles of landscape. The languages of the south are Indo American in origin similar to the Australians, Sri Lankans and the ancient Mayans. The languages of the north stem from Indo Iranian roots and are similar to those in West Asia. We have 23 languages recognised in the constitution and 35 languages spoken by more than a million people besides 22000 dialects. My friend from Germany laboriously learned Hindi to come to India and to her shock found that Chennai understood as much Hindi as it understood Finnish. India was not formed based on any language; we are Indians inspite of them.

You may be amidst lush greenery in lazy backwaters or sun bathing in the golden sands under the azure sky or spluttering under heavy rains in mountains with bad roads or scorching in a hot oven depending on where you are staying in India. The topography and terrain of the sub continent is uneven and unpredictable. The geography divides India into a jumbled jigsaw of many hues. India is home to four major religions of the world and a quintessential Indian is born into a complicated web of religion, caste, sub caste, clan and sect. Two Hindu neighbours who have been in the same street for decades will turn out to be distinctly different species if categorised according to the taxonomic chart. Thus religion, place of birth, language, ethnicity, culture and cuisines are all subsets of one great identity of being an Indian, but India is more than the sum of its parts.

A country of such humungous proportions will face problems unique and unprecedented in the history of Mankind. India is also a land of inconveniences and some uneasy truths that stare at us from dark alleys. 400 million Indians go to bed hungry everyday and some less fortunate mothers have to feed mud crusts to their children crying hoarse of hunger. 42% mothers who give birth do not get medical help and nearly 45% children are malnourished. Out of 1 billion people, 7 million children go to school; only 2.84% of the Indian youth finish post graduation in India. We produce an abysmal 5600 PhDs a year. It is the very few Indians who make it amidst all adversities who bring the refreshing, galloping potential super power image of India to the world. The wealth of the four richest Indians combined will be more than what any other country can fathom. Sadly, the developing India is denied to millions. Ultimately an India denied to some of us will be an India denied to all of us. And it is in fighting these everyday battles of hunger, poverty and even hatred with my fellow Indians that I realised the price of freedom. If half of India cannot live the life of their dreams with basic human necessities, then it means we have to win a more compelling war of freedom today. The great meaningless wars that nations wage for a reason that they have long forgotten seem like an absurd farce when we see the daily battle burdening the weak shoulders of the children of lesser India. Their tears are blood of martyrdom for they are giving up their lives in their struggle for freedom in this independent India.

I have seen that India and it is unacceptable to me. Hunger is an abstract concept to a fully fed man; that is why most of us face the other way when we confront such uncomfortable truths. Communalism and the venomous hate of men based on tenuous reasons will not hold the same meaning for us as it holds for the inconsolable father who mourns the death of his only son killed in carnage. Poverty brings unimaginable humiliation that I see in the frail old woman begging at the end of the street of plush bungalows and indifferent rich people. Her moist eyes that betray a person once loved haunts me every day. I feel that I am waging a battle against different demons in my India and in my moments of frustration I feel that we are nearly losing the battle.

I am tired of looking at the far end of the charts that come out every year educating the world about socio economic indices to read my country’s name. I am exhausted at the 7 digit figure that portrays the deprived Indians in these pieces of official information. I know well that there are millions more who are invisible to the severe eyes of the economists. It is for these invisible souls and unheard voices that I hope my India will have a meaning of something real someday. Towards that dream, my Lord, let my country awake. Jai Hind!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Freewheelin' Blogger's Ideal Mode of Transport


The Freewheelin' Blogger's Ideal Mode of Transport

The only things I can see missing from this Bufalino camper concept are a toilet and shower—but as your average blogger only showers monthly (if it's a particularly sweaty month), it's just the loo that's of concern here. More »
  1. Highest-paid athletes in the world 2009
  2. Highest Paid Athletes 2009
  3. Top 10 Highest Paid Athletes in the world
  4. Top 10 Highest-paid Models in the world 2009
  5. Top 10 Most Earning Musicians 2009
  6. Tendulkar’s Great Records
  7. Sachin Tendulkar’s wax figure Statue
  8. Top 10- top Earning American Idol albums
  9. Top 10 Most paid / Top-Earning Hollywood Actresses
  10. Top 10 BEST & Highest-Paid Coaches

Top 8 Worlds Highest-Earning Cricketers in 2009

Worlds Most Paid Cricketers in 2009

1.Mahendra Singh DhoniMahendra Singh Dhoni

M.S. Dhoni’s $8 million of endorsement income over the last year.He is the caption of Indian cricket team and Chennai Super Kings.The Major Sponsors are Reebok, GE Money, Pepsi.His earnings in the year 2009 is $10 million.

2.Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin TendulkarTendulkar, widely considered one of the greatest batsman in cricket history, is one of five IPL cricketers with "icon" status, meaning he’s exempt from the league’s player auction and instead automatically receives a paycheck 15% larger than his highest paid Mumbai teammate.The Major Sponsors are Adidas, Canon, Royal Bank of Scotland. His earnings in the year 2009 is $8 million

3.Yuvraj SinghYuvraj Singh

Singh earned $4 million over the last 12 months from endorsements and other commercial ventures off the field, including providing a voice in the animated filmJumbo, his Bollywood debut. The Major Sponsors are Fiat, Reebok, Microsoft. His earnings in the year 2009 is $5.5 million

4.Andrew FlintoffAndrew Flintoff

Flintoff will retire from five-day national team competition next month and is doing his best to go out on top: In July he bowled England to its first Test victory in 75 years over Australia at Lord’s, cricket’s most storied venue. The Major Sponsors are Puma, Volkswagen, Barclays. His earnings in the year 2009 is $4 million.

5.Sourav GangulySourav Ganguly

Ganguly, captain of the IPL’s Knight Riders, ranks fourth all-time in runs on India’s national team, a squad he used to also captain. The Major Sponsors are Puma, Pepsi. His earnings in the year 2009 is $3.5 million.
*Retired from national team play in 2008

6.Ricky PontingRicky Ponting

Ponting has slowly shed his bad boy image to become one of Australia’s most marketable athletes, earning more than $2 million in commercial endorsements over the last 12 months.The Major Sponsors are Valvoline, KFC, Adidas. His earnings in the year 2009 is $3.5 million.
*Did not play in the IPL in 2009

7. (Tie) Kevin Pietersen

Kevin Pietersen
Bangalore purchased the rights to Pietersen at auction for a record $1.55 million annual salary–a sum that’s tied with Chennai’s Flintoff as the highest auction price in the IPL’s two year history.The Major Sponsors are Red Bull, Vodafone, Adidas. His earnings in the year 2009 is $3 million.

8. Michael Clarke

Michael Clarke
Clarke is the highest-profile cricketer who has yet to join the IPL, instead preferring to leave money on the table and play club matches in his native Australia.The Major Sponsors are Gillette, Slazenger. His earnings in the year 2009 is $2.5 million.
*Australian first-class cricket team, also known as RTA SpeedBlitz Blues.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

caring for your bonsai outdoor trees at home

Landscaping the external region of our property is essential, to provide not only curb appeal, but a nice living location for you and your family to enjoy. Some individuals like swimming pools and little grassy areas or other plants and trees as a result of the ease of maintenance, while others really like plenty of trees, plants and gardens on account of the tranquility that the scene offers.
So for those who adore lush landscaping, out-of-doors bonsai trees could be a great selection. Their care doesn't take very much a lot more than a few simple steps, and their beauty is something you won't come across from any other plant or tree. Out-of-doors bonsai trees can easily be discovered through local nurseries as well as on the web. But taking care of them is a distinct story.
The first point you'll must believe about is the placement on the out-of-doors bonsai tree. Simply because bonsai trees are outdoor trees, they thrive in winter months when it's cold, wet or snowing because they turn out to be dormant for about three months, beginning around Thanksgiving.
You must ensure to plant your out-of-doors bonsai tree in the ground, really don't maintain it in its pot. It must be planted inside a place exactly where it will be protected from sun and wind as significantly as achievable and for the exact same time, should be exposed to rain, cold and snow.
In the course of the Spring, Summer and Fall months, the tree need to be placed back into a pot and kept exactly where it can receive sunlight. Balconies and gardens are a great place for potted outside bonsai trees.
For the duration of the winter months, don't forget to water your outside bonsai trees at the very least when but no far more than two times every two weeks. At all other times with the year, water your tree as often as required. In no way let the soil get dry, and if your outside bonsai trees get full sunlight all over the day, they might need watering everyday depending on the size on the pot and also the sort of soil used for that tree.
Fertilizing your outside bonsai trees at least as soon as a month is extremely critical, particularly if your tree lives in a pot. You can use any kind of general fertilizer spray, but you really should dilute it to ensure that its potency is at about half. No fertilizer is required in the course of the winter but must be applied continuously for the duration of all other seasons.
Jessica Tanady loves to write articles since 4 years ago, both offline and online. Not only does this author love to write in the topic of beauty, fitness and weight loss. Visit her latest articles on water hose reel which reviews and discuss about garden hose reel cart.
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